Goodbye to all that...

Goodbye to all  that...

Wednesday, 21 January 2009

Sneak peek

Carl Pendle very kindly sent me some sample low res jpegs from the shoot for Real Homes today. What amazes me most is that Monday was a really cold, grey and overcast day, with hail in some parts of London, and yet he's managed to make it look as if it was a sunny summer day with the place flooded with light! He's also managed to make the master bedroom look more like an 'after' than a 'before'! The magic of professsional photography...

There are some lovely ones with Anna in that I haven't posted here, and some rather less lovely ones with your truly in that I am definitely not posting - we'll have to wait and see whether any of those make it into the magazine!

The sitting room - complete with that John Lewis rug!

The study

The master bedroom

The dining room


Lesley (Notesfrommydays) said...

wow Georgie - it looks like it belongs in a magazine :-D no, seriously though obviously your house is gorgeous but the light and the way they take the pictures is very impressive!!! Lesley x

Anonymous said...

Have just expired with jealousy....

You must be so chuffed!! It does look like a summer day! Fab, thanks for posting this, we are all very spoiled with all these posts!!

Georgie said...

Yes, if only he could work his magic on the ones of me...!

I am really thrilled with them - even if the magazine decided not to run the feature or something it would still great to have them - they certainly beat the ones I took on my mobile phone!

A Thrifty Mrs said...

Oh wow it looks amazing, it most certainly deserves to appear in a magazine.

Claire said...

It looks fantastic, makes all your hard slogging and traumas oh so very worth it! Cant wait to get the magazine! Do you konw which month it will be in? Claire xx

Kristy said...

It looks absolutely amazing! I love your shelves.

helent said...

I think the house looks brilliant Georgise and I would have liked to see it in L etc instead of the pink elephant that is featured this month!

Lor said...

I LOOOVE the rug. I love everything. Congratulations.